My Experiments

Experiment 1: I'm teaching myself Korean. 

Image Sourced:

I want to get familiar with the language and will be posting some images and the experience I have had of learning the language.

Let's have fun!

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Happy 2020 to all! - 2020/01/19

This year I will continue my discovery of the Korean language and culture. 
Thus far I found locally some Korean Ramon and Soju, obviously being in South African it's not readily available. 

As for the language I have subscribed to Talk to me in Korean on Spotify and on their website. I will give updates on how I progress. They come highly recommended and their content seems fun and very engaging. 
Will keep you updated and later in the year I hope to share some exciting news! 

As always 
Love 바바라 

The first night of the Korean Alphabet - 2019/07/09

It's like little pictures... 

So my first night of going over and actually writing out the Korean Alphabet has been very interesting. I found that it was actually very relaxing and I had moments where I could relate a sound to the actual visual example of that letter. 

I think the biggest adjustment will be to replace in the mind the sound the letter will make in relation to the English language. My first work I can confidently recognise and will possibly be able to write again is Mother - 어머니

Nonetheless here is a photo of some of my Experiments.

Love 바바라 


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